I love back to school time! I love summer time too but I really like structure and routine and school time gives me lots of that!...I guess with having lots of kids can do that to you :)
I was lucky to be able to be on campus off and on towards the beginning of the month so I was able to set-up my classroom for the most part...don't get me wrong, I still have quite a bit to do but at least when you walk into my classroom it feels like home :)
This is the before pictures:
A couple of hours later with 3 kiddos in the room and this is what it looks like
I still have some work to do but I'm loving it so far!
This year we have 47 miniute classes so I need my warmups to be quick. A friend of mine gave me the mountain math so I'm trying it out this year
I love my white board area...I really love our math posters that shows the students examples of how to work the problems out...please excuse my student info center as it is still a work in progress!
Here is my student info center...I haven't gotten everything for the board but it is still a nice little area!
Here are my classroom rules section...as well as my amazing posters to add color to my room :) I also have a picture of my data wall and champs section.
I've been running around like a crazy person the last couple of days! I am so glad that I got my room done before we officially came back because I have been getting Navigator systems set up for the new teachers and helping out around campus and I have had NO time to work on my stuff. (I actually brought all my stuff home tonight so I can work on lesson plans and Math Journals!
Once I have finished my data wall, Champs, and student info center I will post updated pics :)
Until next time,
The Math Diva :)